Create local apps that have global impact

Houston gives everyone the power to create digital solutions that work for their team and for the entire company.

The no-code platform built for the enterprise

Power to the users

Houston brings application development to people who know their business best. Anyone can improve his daily work or support new business initiatives. 

What used to take months and involve many can now be done in a few hours, in autonomy. 

The result: more processes digitized, closer to local needs, and much faster. 

Proactive, solution-minded users now have everything they need to create impact right away. 

Decentralized innovation

Good ideas create value. So, how to make sure that they get spread throughout the organization?

When a Houston app is published in a team and gets intensively used, central teams can easily identify it and add it to the global Houston library.

The library contains templates of apps across a wide range of use cases, and is constantly enriched with user-created apps curated by global topic experts from your company. 

Enterprise-wide impact

Different teams have different needs. So why would an app be the same for everyone? 

Houston recognizes this need for differentiation and allows local teams to personalize the way an app works by adding local fields, define roles, add automations, rules, etc. 

App owners can define data that will always be available for consolidation, at any level of the organization. 

All tasks in one place

Most processes generate tasks. But when tasks are isolated in different systems and media, keeping track can become a nightmare. 

Houston allows you to manage all tasks in one place and get a real-time view from any dimension: a team, a process, an individual, etc. 

Start small.
Go at your own pace.

You don’t have to implement Houston everywhere to see its value.

Start with a single process, use it for yourself. When you are happy with the result, share it with your team, then beyond… and then build more apps. 

With a very intuitive interface and apps made by you according to your needs, change management is as minimal as it can be.


Immediate impact

Development Time Saved
0 %
Faster Process Cycle Time
0 %
Monthly User Growth
0 %

Think. Build. Deploy.

Digitize any business process without coding skills, in no time.
Template library

Apps are gathered and made available to the rest of the company in a self-service mode

An intuitive form builder allows to create user-friendly apps without any technical skills

Define roles, access rights and conditional rules for each app

Create fully automated workflows covering different teams and software

Summarize most relevant data onto clear and powerful dashboards

Bridge the gaps

Houston allows you to easily connect your processes and break silos by building the missing bricks and integrate with your current systems

How Houston is used

Here are some examples of applications built with Houston. Think about processes in your daily work that involve spreadsheets, legacy systems, manual steps… The only limit is your creativity.

  • Production Orders
  • Work instructions and SOP compliance
  • Equipment failures
  • Production quality defects
  • Change requests
  • Machine maintenance requests
  • End of shift reports
  • 5S audits
  • Non-Conformance reports
  • Supplier quality audits
  • Inspection checklists
  • Customer Feedback forms
  • Equipment calibration records
  • One point lessons
  • Process control data
  • Gemba walks
  • Work permits
  • Incident & near miss reporting
  • Safety inspections
  • Employee training records
  • Gemba Walks
  • Hazardous materials handling
  • Equipment safety checks
  • Behavior-based safety observations
  • 5S audits
  • Cargo securement inspections
  • Supplier onboarding
  • Shipment tracking
  • Customs declaration
  • Transportation requests
  • Quality control inspection
  • Improvement opportunities
  • Project proposal forms
  • Experiment design
  • Prototype testing
  • Product launch management
  • Product development progress report
  • Product roadmap management
  • Employee onboarding
  • One Point Lessons
  • Training needs assessment
  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Training management
  • Employee wellness checks
  • Performance appraisals
  • Complaints management
  • Customer Information update
  • Support ticket submissions
  • Product return authorization management
  • Support call feedbacks
  • Product feedback management
  • Lightweight CRM
  • Target personas
  • Product feedback
  • Project tracker
  • OKRs management
  • Event contacts management
  • Customer testimonials knowledge base
  • Sales materials management

Sign up for free!

Sign up for a Houston account and start digitizing a process for free. Experiment, invite other team members, and go at your own pace!

Let's get in touch!

You have a digitization idea in mind but don’t know if it’s feasible with Houston? You want to know how to get started with Houston or if Belgian waffles are still the best? Just ask! 

Get ready for lift off!

To ensure the best experience and set up Houston to your needs, we need a bit more info from you.
Which topics are you most interested in?
Do you already have specific use cases in mind?
How can we reach you?